Policies overview

At the core of VSA 10 is a reimagined policy management engine designed to provide technicians with an effective balance of predictability and flexibility. The simple yet powerful way policies work helps arm VSA 10 customers with the tools necessary to build and maintain absolute compliance of their configuration settings.

VSA 10 is in the process of rolling out a less monolithic policy structure and adding quality-of-life improvements to the overall policy management design. As of version 10.6, Device Configuration policies and Monitoring policies will be converted to the new policy structure, and the remaining policy types will be converted in subsequent releases.

What are policies?

Policies are the method in which collections of one or more VSA 10 settings are applied to a specific set of objects, such as devices. VSA 10 is responsible for ensuring a policy's targeted devices receive and remain compliant with the policy’s settings. Policies are distinguished by the type of service each is responsible for. Refer to Policy types.

Policies apply the correct settings to the correct devices. As of version 10.6, policies are non-cumulative, which means only one policy of a given type can be assigned to a given entity.

EXAMPLE  Only one Device Configuration policy can be assigned to a specific organization. You could create additional Device Configuration policies, but only one at a time can be assigned to that organization.

Policies support a downward inheritance model in several places, including context.

EXAMPLE  When you assign a policy to an organization, the sites and groups of that organization will automatically inherit the organization’s policy since sites and groups are child objects of an organization. However, you can break the inheritance by directly assigning a different policy at each site and/or group level.

Policy types

The following types of policies are available to configure in VSA 10:

  • Device Configuration
  • Monitoring
  • Endpoint Protection (Ransomware Detection and Webroot)
  • Patch Management

Components of a policy

A policy is the vehicle for delivering and managing settings on devices. Policies have three key components:

  • Profiles: Containers of settings that serve as the building blocks of policies. Profiles control which settings a policy will deliver. For details, refer to Profiles.
  • Targeting criteria: Attributes used for automatic assignment of policies. Targeting criteria control which devices will receive the policy. For details, refer to Targeting criteria.
  • Extensions: Used to change policy settings based on device exceptions. Extensions provide a way to make changes to a policy for a specific subset of devices without requiring creation of an entirely new and separate policy. For details, refer to Extensions.

Effective settings

Even the best policy management implementation can fail if the solution does not provide comprehensive visibility of the impact it will have, does have, or is going to have across your environment. VSA 10 provides visibility of impact on the front end while you are building and configuring your policies as well as on the back end once policies are set.

While you are configuring policies, the editor will show you what VSA 10 objects will receive that policy before you save it. Once the policies have been configured, effective settings provide visibility of the policies, their profiles, and the settings that have been assigned and applied at all levels of your VSA 10 environment. This includes organizations, sites, groups, and devices. For example, when you are working on a device and need to quickly see what settings might be impacting a certain service area, effective settings will help you understand this information while allowing you to maintain the context of your operational workflow.

Basic profiles and policies package

To provide you with a jump-start and to help you understand the policy concepts explained in this topic, VSA 10 includes a basic set of profiles and policies preconfigured with a few extensions.