User functions and permissions

NAVIGATION  Administration > Configuration > Teams and Users

SECURITY  Administrator access to VSA 10

This article describes the Unified RMM (URMM) functions you can assign to your VSA 10 users and the system access those functions provide.


URMM permissions are grouped by application functions, which are assigned at the team level.

All VSA 10 users inherit their access and permissions from the team to which they're assigned. One special team, Administrators, has full access to all areas of the application and all permissions.

NOTE  To learn how to configure team permissions in VSA 10, refer to Access in Managing teams and users.

VSA 10 functions and permissions

The following table defines all functions available in VSA 10, their selectable permission tiers, and the application access that they grant.

Functionality Permission tiers Permission descriptions
Automation View Tasks & Scripts Can view scripts, tasks, workflows, workflow history, custom fields, and download managed files.
Run Tasks & Scripts Can run tasks and ad-hoc workflows.
Edit Tasks & Scripts Can create and edit scripts, tasks, workflows, and custom fields.
Reporting View Reports Can view templates, generated documents, and reports.
Run Reports Can run reports.
Edit Reports Can create or modify a report.
Endpoint Protection View Policy

Can view the following Antivirus and Ransomware Detection areas:

  • Agent Status
  • Policies
  • Events
  • History
Edit Policy Can create and edit Ransomware Detection policies.
Patch View Policy

Can view the following Patch Management areas:

  • Agent Status
  • Policies
  • Global Rules
  • Custom Titles
  • History
Edit Policy Can create and edit policies and custom titles.
Device Management


Add Systems Can add endpoints to VSA 10.
Remove Systems Can remove endpoints from VSA 10.
These permissions determine if a user can add or remove an endpoint (such as a computer, network appliance, or virtualization device).
Remote Control Use IT Glue Passwords Can use IT Glue passwords during Remote Control sessions; requires IT Glue Integration.
Allow 1-Click access Can use 1-Click access to automatically launch Remote Control sessions.
Enforce recording for all remote desktop sessions If a Remote Control session is launched, it will be automatically recorded.
View remote desktop session recordings Can view recorded Remote Control sessions in the Recorded Sessions section of the device details pane.
PSA Read-only access to all PSA Integration pages Can see information related to the Autotask, ConnectWise, and BMS integrations.
Full access to all PSA Integration pages Can change information related to the Autotask, ConnectWise, and BMS integrations.
Advanced Reporting View Reporting and run reports Can access the Advanced Reporting page; can view and export reports.
Datto BCDR Read-only access to all Datto BCDR pages Can view all areas of Modules > Integrations > Datto BCDR.
Full access to all Datto BCDR pages Can create and edit Datto BCDR portals, map BCDR devices, and set up protected devices.
Datto Networking Read-only access to all Datto Networking pages Can view all areas of Modules > Integrations > Datto Networking.
Full access to all Datto Networking pages Can create and edit portals, map and unmap networks, and enroll and unenroll devices.
Connectors Read-only access to all Connectors pages Can view configuration information for all connector types within Modules > Integrations > Connectors and Modules > Devices > Active Connectors.
Full access to all Connectors pages Can create and edit connectors.