Managing teams and users

NAVIGATION  Administration > Configuration > Teams and Users

SECURITY  Administrator access to VSA 10

Each user in a VSA 10 account is assigned to a team: either the built-in Administrators team that grants full access to the environment or a manually created User Defined team. Administrators can configure any number of user-defined teams, including the team membership, the members' access to systems, and the members' various permissions.

The Teams and Users page features two tabs: Teams and All Users.


The Teams tab displays all teams in the account and the number of users assigned to each team.

NOTE  Each user must be assigned to only one team.

Types of teams

  • Built-in: The preconfigured Administrators team cannot be edited other than its membership. Users assigned to this team are considered account administrators and have all access privileges to all systems and full permissions in the environment.
  • User Defined: Administrators can manually create and configure any number of additional teams that are open to modifications. User-defined teams can be used to grant certain users more limited access privileges to systems and more limited permissions in the environment.

All Users

The All Users tab displays a list of all active users, inactive (deactivated but not deleted) users, and prospects who have been invited to create a user account. Deleted users are not included in the list.

To search for a specific user, enter their user ID or all or part of their username, full name, or email address in the Search user accounts bar. Press Enter on your keyboard or click Search to execute the search.

The list displays the following user details:

Field Description
Username The username is set during account creation and can be changed by the user via Administration > Account > My Settings. Refer to My Settings.
If a user has been invited to create an account but has not edited their username, the username is prefixed with inv. followed by the prefix of the user's email address to which the invitation was sent.
Full Name The full name is set during account creation and can be changed by the user via Administration > Account > My Settings or by any administrator via Administration > Configuration > Teams and Users > All Users > select a user. Refer to My Settings and Full Name in Viewing and editing user account details.
Team Name The name of the team the user is assigned to. Refer to Teams.
Email The email address associated with the user's account and used for login.

Displays On if the user has configured their 2FA settings or Off if the user has not yet done so. Refer to Two-factor authentication.

NOTE  A 2FA status of Off indicates the user has not yet gained access to any area of VSA 10 other than Administration > Account > 2FA and is required to set up 2FA for account access.

Status Each user has one of the following statuses:

Adding users

To learn about inviting new users or creating user accounts, refer to Inviting users to the account and Creating user accounts.

Accessing user account details

Click a user in the list to access their User Account Details page. For details about this page, refer to Viewing and editing user account details.