VSA 10 MDM: enrollment

NAVIGATION  Modules > Integrations > Connectors

NAVIGATION  Modules > Devices > MDM Enrollment

SECURITY  Connectors > Full access to all Connectors pages

SECURITY  Device Management > Add Devices

SECURITY  Administrative privileges to manage software on the device to be enrolled and any endpoints assisting in the enrollment

In addition to traditional endpoint management, VSA 10 includes mobile device management (MDM) for supported devices. This article provides compatibility, prerequisite, and process information related to using VSA 10 as your MDM solution.

To learn how to migrate to VSA 10 from another MDM solution, refer to VSA 10 MDM: Migrating from another MDM solution.



Our MDM solution currently supports enrollment for the following Apple operating systems:

  • iOS 4.0 and above
  • iPadOS 4.0 and above
  • macOS 10.7 and above


To complete this process, you'll need the following permissions:

  • Full access to all Connectors pages, as described in User functions and permissions.
  • Ability to log in to appleid.apple.com with the Apple ID of the device or devices you'd like to enroll.
  • If configuring Automated Device Enrollment (ADE), ability to log in to Apple Business Manager with Administrator or Device Enrollment Manager credentials.

Device Enrollment vs. Automated Device Enrollment (ADE)

The two types of Apple MDM connectors available in VSA 10 drive your enrollment strategy. For a basic overview, refer to Types of Apple MDM connectors in the Connectors article.

Device Enrollment

To enroll devices in MDM using QR code or USB enrollment methods, you'll perform the following steps:

  1. Configure an Apple Push Notification Service connector in VSA 10. Refer to Create an Apple Push Notification Service connector in VSA 10.
  2. Create a push certificate in the Apple portal and upload it to VSA 10. Refer to Create a push certificate.
  3. Enroll devices one at a time into VSA 10 MDM. Refer to Manually enroll a device in MDM.


To configure automatic MDM enrollment of devices assigned to a dedicated server in Apple Business Manager, you'll perform the following steps:

  1. Configure an Apple Push Notification Service connector in VSA 10. Refer to Create an Apple Push Notification Service connector in VSA 10.
  2. Create a push certificate in the Apple portal and upload it to VSA 10. Refer to Create a push certificate.
  3. Create an Apple Automated Device Enrollment connector in VSA 10, and generate an MDM server token in Apple Business Manager to upload to VSA 10. Refer to Configure Automated Device Enrollment (ADE).

ADE behavior

After configuring ADE, every device assigned to the newly added MDM server in Apple Business Manager automatically appears in VSA 10 and is added to the agent group specified in the connector. The following applies to devices processed through ADE:

  • These devices are enrolled in supervised mode, granting full control over device configurations and ensuring compliance with organizational policies. Refer to VSA 10 MDM: Supervised vs. non-supervised devices.
  • These devices will receive all the assigned configuration profiles, ensuring consistent and secure device management across the organization.
  • Non-activated devices appear on VSA 10 device pages as offline with an Enrollment status of Unenrolled. They do not consume licenses (mobile licenses for iOS devices nor regular licenses for macOS devices) until activated.
  • These devices are activated in VSA 10 once they are turned on and undergo standard Apple device setup/activation. During this process, the Remote Management screen will show that the device is enrolling into remote management by your VSA 10 instance. Once activated, the Enrollment status on VSA 10 device pages changes to Enrolled, and MDM Commands become available. Refer to VSA 10 MDM commands.

Agent installation

During MDM enrollment for macOS computers, VSA 10 automatically installs the macOS agent as part of the process. This installation occurs silently, without requiring any user interaction. The macOS agent expands management capabilities, including remote control and workflow automation.

How to...

VSA 10 MDM commands

Once you've enrolled a device in MDM, the following commands will become available on devices pages in VSA 10.

NOTE  Availability of any command is dependent on both the device type and enrollment method used.

Command iOS/iPadOS macOS
QR code enrollment USB enrollment Link enrollment
Non-supervised Supervised Supervised
Enable/Disable lost mode FALSE TRUE FALSE
Play Lost Mode Sound FALSE TRUE FALSE

Next step: Configuring Apple MDM profiles

After a device completes the enrollment process, any configuration or management policies you've defined for its type will automatically apply. For more information, refer to VSA 10 MDM: Apple MDM profiles.


The following answers to frequently asked questions will help you get the most out of your VSA 10 MDM experience.